Wednesday, July 16, 2014


 My youngest sister recently had her second baby. My name suggestion was Fernando (we are Abba fans in my family). When she didn't go with it, I decided I needed to name the bear I made for him Fernando.
The pattern is called 'Flat Ted' and is by Zoe Mellor. It's in her book 'Knitted Toys: 25 Fresh and Fabulous Designs'. I love the look of her toys. It's just a shame she wants you to knit everything flat. I knitted as much of this bear possible in the round, so I would have less finishing to do.
 I was gifted some yarn that was just meant to become a bear. It's Rowan British Sheep Breed Fine Boucle.
It was a little tricky to knit with, but looks so good. I had a hard time making his face as well. Something I need to practice. I love how this rather large bear turned out.

Hopefully he will enjoy and long and happy life with my new nephew.


  1. Perhaps, if his older brother doesn't keep stealing it!

    1. Maybe I'll have to make another animal for him ;)

  2. He is crazy-CUTE! And I love ( obsessed with) ABBA.

    1. Thanks! My Dad is responsible for our family love of Abba.
