I spent a lot of time putting together my families Halloween costumes this year. It was really fun. I do love it when it all works out.
My other half and I are Hiccup and Astrid from 'How To Train Your Dragon'. Admittedly, neither of us have the hair for these characters, but it is fun anyway. The fake fur for the vest/waistcoat and boots, was a mess, and making shoulder armor for me was tricky. I am really happy with how my Fimo scull buttons turned out.
Little Miss I is Batgirl. I saw this image on Facebook a while ago, and knew immediately that I wanted to recreate this outfit for my youngest. I found the perfect jacket at a thrift store and painted the bat on it. Also I painted an old pair of boots yellow. I had to sew a hat, cape, and utility belt. I probably spent the most time on this costume, and I think it's my favorite. I love doing something a bit different.
Little Miss M wanted to be a Sheriff/Cowgirl. All I had to make was her vest/waistcoat. I found the hat and shirt at a thrift store, and someone gave us the boots.
My oldest was 'Steve' from the game 'Minecraft'. This involved cutting up and taping boxes to the right size, and a lot of painting. The head took almost three hours. it's not the most comfortable costume, but he loves it. His 'diamond' sword is bought. I got sick of cutting and painting in the end and saw this on sale at Walmart.
They had a great time at my in-laws Halloween Party, and we've been the the 'Trunk or Treat' at Church already. Tomorrow is time for the real thing.
I've moved on to the beginnings of making Christmas presents. I should have a couple more things to share soon though.