Why is this hat so disappointing I hear you asking.
So I'll tell you. I've been dreaming of this hat for over a year. I could see myself shoveling our driveway this winter in it. I got this book 'Pretty in Punk' with the pattern in it for Christmas and continued to dream about it. I had never knit intarsia before and I had never felted before. Funnily enough I was more afraid of the intarsia bit that the felting bit. The intarsia bit went quite well. I won't say I did it perfectly, because I didn't, but for a first attempt, I don't think it was half bad. I spent a month of my life working on it and then I got the the part when I had to felt it. The directions told you to put the hat in a hot wash in the washing machine. So I did. The idea was to shrink it a little to help hide the joints and give the Mohawk it's distinct look. Unfortunately it shrunk a lot. So much so that it fits my 22 month old daughters head perfectly, but not at all on mine. Of course little Miss. I is not interested in wearing it. Maybe come winter she will change her mind. I think I will have to try to make this hat again eventually, but for now I have other plans. I can't help feeling sad about it.